Kunjungan Teman

Friday, September 21, 2012

PT Eterindo Wahanatama (ETWA)

Setelah liat saham CNKO (liat folder arsip)  hari ini, saya jadi inget salah satu saham pilihan saya bergaya "buffett's style" :D di bulan maret tahun ini dan udah lama nggak riset saham 3rd liner, saya iseng cari yang valuasi sama yaitu dengan D/E dan Current Ratio Ok (itung2an sendiri, Dividen yield dikesampingkan) dan tentunya masih undervalued dan berikut saham  pilihan saya :

Company Profile
Biodiesel Manufacturer and Chemicals Trading in Southeast Asia
Eterindo group's activities started with trading of chemical products. PT Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk was incorporated in 1992 as the holding company and listed on IDX in 1997. Today, Eterindo has diversified the group business into a resources based one by Biodiesel manufacturing, Oil-palm plantation operations and chemicals trading.
In addition to the domestic market, Eterindo exports its products worldwide such as Southeast Asia, China, India, Bangladesh, Middle East, Japan, Korea, Australia and United States.
In line with increasing global fuel demand and reducing fossil energy resources, including petro diesel, we are looking into the need of creating alternative fuel which is not only serve as a diversification or alternative to the conventional fuel oil but also as an environment friendly source of energy.
We have succesfully completed modifying our existing production facilites in Gresik to enable the plant to produce Biodiesel/Palm-Methyl-Esther. Currently, commercial production capacity is 140,000 MTPA.
In 2010, Eterindo acquired 2 oil-palm plantation companies in West Kalimantan to strengthen its biodiesel business by having a secure supply of raw material as a vital component of vertical integration. The Total land area is 40,000 Ha, of which total plantable area is around 24,000 Ha. The plantation is targeted to be completed in 2015 with the production of CPO approximately 130,000 - 160,000 MTPA.

last news : PT Eterindo Wanatama Tbk (ETWA) membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp 11,55 miliar atau Rp 11,93 per saham pada kuartal I 2012. Laba bersih kuartal I 2012 menunjukan kenaikan 55,14% bila dibandingkan dengan laba bersih pada kuartal I tahun lalu sebesar Rp 7,45 miliar atau Rp 7,69 persaham. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya Pendapatan perseroan dari Rp 226,17 Miliar pada kuartal I tahun lalu menjadi Rp 227 miliar pada kuartal I tahun ini. Dan Beban pokok perseroan juga mengalam penurunan dari Rp 208,92 miliar menjadi Rp 198,99 miliar pada kuartal I tahun ini.

Berikut Valuasi saham ETWA :

Sumber : reuters

Analisa Teknikal :

Akumulasi Buy : 300 - 320 - 350
TP 1 : 610 - 660
Buy them when they're sleep, hold them when the're creep, sell them when they're leap
Good Luck

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

(A)ll (D)ay (I) (D)ream (A)bout (S)tock

(A)ll (D)ay (I) (D)ream (A)bout (S)tock, bukan beriklan merk Adidas, apalagi dapet sponsor dari Adidas blog ini (hahahaa,...ha).

Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari lagunya KoRn grup musik cadas dari amrik dengan judul lagu yg sama dengan merk gambar disebelah (yang ngebedain adalah kepanjangan huruf "S"nya..yg berbau porno..Hehe).

Ok langsung saja maksud uneg-uneg saya ya semoga jadi inspirasi buat rekan-rekan yg telah mengunjungi blog saya ini. sebelumnya saya cerita tentang macem-macem tipe trader berdasarkan apa yang sy liat selama berkecimpung di dunia pasar modal indonesia.

yg pertama tipe scalper, trader scalper memiliki kemampuan dan skill diatas rata-rata, dan sense of trading yg tinggi seperti sense mamalia predator (sense spt ini sulit untuk dipelajari). tools trader scalper canggih, mereka terinspirasi dengan istilah "forget the news, focus on price". pendek kata posisi selalu in cash ketika market open. tipe yg kedua, adalah news trader, news trader update terhadap informasi, mereka selalu terdepan dalam mendapatkan info, mereka jago dalam ambil posisi ketika suatu emiten akan melakukan "corporate action" (saya punya temen spt ini, contoh paling mutakhir saham IBST, MPPA, bocoran nih dia infoin buy MLPL saat ini, kt liat deh) dan tidak peduli dengan valuasi fundamental suatu perusahaan, mau P/E rasio 100x PBV 3x..bla..bla..bla mereka tidak peduli selama sahamnya masih diperdagangakan tiap harinya, mereka akan hajar offer. ketiga, teknikal trader, baik itu swinger trader, momentum trader, dan lain-lainlah. tipe trader ketiga ini mempunyai kemampuan analisa diatas rata-rata, annalisa trader spt ini tidak pake sistem top down, walaupun IHSG signal reversal dari Peaknya, mereka akan loncat ke emiten tersebut...motto mereka (menurut saya "plan your trade and trade your plan". dan feeling trader, meskipun aneh tp ada loh yg seperti ini, dan jangan salah mereka juga sering dapet gain yg lebih tinggi dr tipe trader laennya, hoki mereka besar bos...(sy sering ketawa-ketawa bareng org tipe spt ini...kadang disindir-sindir..."tul kan?". Dan yang terakhir tipe trader bottom up (funamentalist), mereka akan valuasi terlebih dahulu dan execute secara bertahap emiten tertentu dan bungkus abis, mau 10tahun nggak masalah Bos... *)

bagaimana dengan tipe trading saya? ahh gak tau deh, yg bisa menilai kan orang laen...hmmm, ok maksud tulisan sy (tulisan 15 menit) adalah....cari tau tipe anda seperti apa dan cocok dengan waktu, uang, skill dan lain-lain...jangan sampe jadi Adidas Trader, yang sampe mimpipun mimpinya ENRG, KARK atau laennya...hahaha!

God Save The Trader...JUST DO IT....Goooddd luckkkk!

*) tipe trader diatas bisa berubah-ubah karena kriteria dari apa yang saya liat, bisa nambah bisa juga kurang.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

how long it takes for the "magic potion" will last?

Asterix dan ramuan ajaib yang memberikan kekuatan luar biasa pada mereka yang meminumnya. saya analogikan seperti itu kebijakan yang dilakukan bagi ekonomi di eropa dan amerika pasca krisis mortgage 2008 hingga sekarang setelah membaca artikel Marc Faber.

Campur tangan pemerintah yang luar biasa besar dengan kebijakan pelonggaran moneter yang konon akan tetap dilakukan hingga 2015 dan quantitive easing yang telah dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali (next QE3) menghasilkan antidot yg luar biasa khususnya di pasar modal. Kebijakan ini tentunya direspon dengan argumen pro dan kontra dari beberapa ahli ekonomi seperti Roubini, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers.

Pemerintahan Obama dengan rezim Keynesian yang yang dikomandoin oleh Bernanke, Bos The Fed adalah rezim yg telah berhasil membuat kinclong salah satu leading indikator ekonomi yaitu Indeks saham Dow Jones.

Eropa, kawasan ini pun melakukan kebijakan yg sama dengan apa yg dilakukan rezim Obama, berulang kali pasar dibuat galau dengan indikator makro di eropa, setiap kali itu pula petinggi2 di kawasan ini melakukan manuver dengan pernyataan terlebih dahulu dan diikuti oleh kebijakan moneter sementara Marc faber said: "I'm very concerned that regardless of who will be in the white house next year, the republicans or the democrats, the fiscal deficit will stay above a trillion dollars as far as the eye can see. and that more money printing is on the way, QE3, QE4, and so forth and so on. .  - in CNBC The Call 06 Sept 2012 . GDP yang masuk kontraksi beberapa kali dan utang yang besar di negara-negara eropa, stagflasi pengangguran yang masih tinggi di amerika, menyisakan pertanyaan 'seberapa efektifkah monetary policy?"

Beberapa indikasi sebagai tanda-tanda "the bull is over" seperti treasury yield yang beberapa kali naek tinggi ; laba perusahaan besar menunjukan penurunan (terakhir fed ex) ; jumlah saham yang naek mulai turun ; consumer spending yang turun ; dan terakhir menurut saya oil price yang masih berada di harga yang wajar, jika oil naek, akan semakin membebankan kegiatan ekonomi.

yang menjadi bahan pertanyaan buat kita orang yang awam dan lagging info dan knowledge adalah : "how long it takes for the magic potion will last?'  Apakah Obama menang pada pemilu di Amerika dan tetep mempertahankan kebijakannya seperti sekarang.... anyone....??????


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Is The Stock Market Cheap?

● TTM P/E ratio = 15.9 (15.9)
● P/E10 ratio = 21.5 (21.6)

The Valuation Thesis
A standard way to investigate market valuation is to study the historic Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio using reported earnings for the trailing twelve months (TTM). Proponents of this approach ignore forward estimates because they are often based on wishful thinking, erroneous assumptions, and analyst bias.
TTM P/E Ratio
The “price” part of the P/E calculation is available in real time on TV and the Internet. The “earnings” part, however, is more difficult to find. The authoritative source is the Standard & Poor’s website, where the latest numbers are posted on the earnings page. (See the footnote below for instructions on accessing the file).
The table here shows the TTM earnings based on “as reported” earnings and a combination of “as reported” earnings and Standard & Poor’s estimates for “as reported” earnings for the next few quarters. The values for the months between are linear interpolations from the quarterly numbers.
The average P/E ratio since the 1870′s has been about 15. But the disconnect between price and TTM earnings during much of 2009 was so extreme that the P/E ratio was in triple digits — as high as the 120s — in the Spring of 2009. In 1999, a few months before the top of the Tech Bubble, the conventional P/E ratio hit 34. It peaked close to 47 two years after the market topped out.
As these examples illustrate, in times of critical importance, the conventional P/E ratio often lags the index to the point of being useless as a value indicator. “Why the lag?” you may wonder. “How can the P/E be at a record high after the price has fallen so far?” The explanation is simple. Earnings fell faster than price. In fact, the negative earnings of 2008 Q4 (-$23.25) is something that has never happened before in the history of the S&P 500.
Let’s look at a chart to illustrate the unsuitability of the TTM P/E as a consistent indicator of market valuation.
The P/E10 Ratio
Legendary economist and value investor Benjamin Graham noticed the same bizarre P/E behavior during the Roaring Twenties and subsequent market crash. Graham collaborated with David Dodd to devise a more accurate way to calculate the market’s value, which they discussed in their 1934 classic book, Security Analysis. They attributed the illogical P/E ratios to temporary and sometimes extreme fluctuations in the business cycle. Their solution was to divide the price by a multi-year average of earnings and suggested 5, 7 or 10-years. In recent years, Yale professor Robert Shiller, the author ofIrrational Exuberance, has reintroduced the concept to a wider audience of investors and has selected the 10-year average of “real” (inflation-adjusted) earnings as the denominator. As the accompanying chart illustrates, this ratio closely tracks the real (inflation-adjusted) price of the S&P Composite. The historic average is 16.4. Shiller refers to this ratio as the Cyclically Adjusted Price Earnings Ratio, abbreviated as CAPE, or the more precise P/E10, which is my preferred abbreviation.
The Current P/E10
After dropping to 13.3 in March 2009, the P/E10 rebounded to an interim high of 23.5 in February of last year and is now at 21.5. The next chart gives us a historical context for these numbers. The ratio in this chart is doubly smoothed (10-year average of earnings and monthly averages of daily closing prices). Thus the fluctuations during the month aren’t especially relevant (e.g., the difference between the monthly average and monthly close P/E10).

Of course, the historic P/E10 has never flat-lined on the average. On the contrary, over the long haul it swings dramatically between the over- and under-valued ranges. If we look at the major peaks and troughs in the P/E10, we see that the high during the Tech Bubble was the all-time high above 44 in December 1999. The 1929 high of 32.6 comes in at a distant second. The secular bottoms in 1921, 1932, 1942 and 1982 saw P/E10 ratios in the single digits.
Where does the current valuation put us?
For a more precise view of how today’s P/E10 relates to the past, our chart includes horizontal bands to divide the monthly valuations into quintiles — five groups, each with 20% of the total. Ratios in the top 20% suggest a highly overvalued market, the bottom 20% a highly undervalued market. What can we learn from this analysis? The Financial Crisis of 2008 triggered an accelerated decline toward value territory, with the ratio dropping to the upper second quintile in March 2009. The price rebound since the 2009 low pushed the ratio back into the top quintile, and it has since hovered around that boundary. By this historic measure, the market is expensive, with the ratio approximately 31% above its average (arithmetic mean) of 16.5 (16.45 to two decimal places). Last month it was 28% above.
I’ve also included a regression trendline through the P/E10 ratio for the edification of anyone who believes the price-earnings ratio has naturally tended higher over time as markets evolve. The latest ratio is about 15% above trend, up from 12% last month. Critics of this more optimistic view would point to the unprecedented P/Es of the Tech Bubble as the explanation for this “unnatural” slope to the regression.
We can also use a percentile analysis to put today’s market valuation in the historical context. As the chart below illustrates, latest P/E10 ratio is approximately at the 83rd percentile of the 1580 data points in this series.

A more cautionary observation is that when the P/E10 has fallen from the top to the second quintile, it has eventually declined to the first quintile and bottomed in single digits. Based on the latest 10-year earnings average, to reach a P/E10 in the high single digits would require an S&P 500 price decline below 540. Of course, a happier alternative would be for corporate earnings to continue their strong and prolonged surge. If the 2009 trough was not a P/E10 bottom, when might we see it occur? These secular declines have ranged in length from over 19 years to as few as three. The current decline is now in its 12th year.
Or was March 2009 the beginning of a secular bull market? Perhaps, but the history of market valuations suggests a cautious perspective.